Negotiate with underwriters, not systems
Our "Negotiated SME" product is designed to accommodate risks that typically fall off standard panel solutions:
- Builders Merchants and Contractor Stores - Including stored timber
- Double Glazing Manufacturers & Showrooms - Including aluminium and UPVC frames
- Electrical Contractors Stores - With and without workshops
- Engineers - Both electronic and non-electronic engineers
- Hauliers' warehouses
- Hotels - Including private hotels; guest houses; and converted country houses
- Metal Workers & Metal Goods Dealers - Including both light and heavy machinery warehouses; iron and steel stockists; machinists of ferrous goods; aluminium and brass workers; and general metal workers
- Petrol Retailers
- Printers and Allied Trades - Including stationery, books, cardboard boxes and cardboard tube manufacturers
- Public Houses - Including those with accommodation
- Restaurants
- Woodworkers - Including furniture manufacturers, saw mills, joiners and timber stores