Meet Abbie King from our Telephone Account Management team
Published On : 30 Nov 2023
1. Can you share a success story where your team's expertise saved the day? – I once received a Construction risk from a broker and passed it over to our Constriction team who declined due to them being uncompetitive on price I then asked Risk Managed to have a look into this as an alternative for the broker and they too advised they’d be unable to assist due to the trade so I then approached MUM Casualty who have managed to give competitive terms to the broker resulting in our terms being given to the client as the recommended. This saved the day as instead of just approaching one part of Pen and then giving up I did everything I could for the broker and made sure I exhausted every avenue before declining to the broker.
2. In one sentence, what sets Pen Underwriting's TAM team apart from the rest in the industry? – We are resilient and relentless!
3. What’s your claim to fame? – During my racing career I rode up the gallops in front of the Queen.
4. If you had a superpower what would it be? – To have more hours in a day to do things.
5. If you didn’t work in insurance, what would you be doing? – Working back in a racing yard with race horses, riding and caring for them before during and after races.