• Liability arising out of accidental spillage or crossover of product during loading or
delivery either on or off the public highway, subject to driver error
• Liability for damages caused by accidental contamination of 3rd party product as a
result of driver negligence
• 3rd party property damage: commercial vehicles inc. hazardous goods £10m, cars
£50m and unlimited bodily injury
• New vehicle replacement within one year of registration where repair costs exceed 50%
of recommended retail price
• Full lease/residual value settlement basis in the event of total loss within one year of
registration up to a maximum of 20% of the market value shortfall
• Personal Accident/Legal Expenses as standard
• Hire of replacement vehicle following theft
• Environmental statutory liability up to £1m any one period of insurance
• Theft of keys up to £1,000
• Terrorism to £5m as standard
• Theft where keys have been left in the vehicle where required by the Fire Service.
We are able to provide Excess of Loss to cover up to £20m Third Party Property Damage & Terrorism.
Need to report a claim? Call us on 01372 869 700
Claims are handled by our specialists with the utmost care and expertise
Specialist driver training for commercial fleet operators and their customers, suppliers and contractors
Commercial combined cover for the petrochemicals industry